This week was another camper week. I spent Thursday morning getting the wildlife care building ready for them to come in and help clean.
After everything was set up I go to go with my supervisor to the Odd Pet Vet in North Grafton MA. It was an amazing wildlife rehabilitation and veterinary clinic that accepts essentially every animal except for cats and dogs as patients. When I went I got to see a lot of different wildlife including raccons, birds of prey, and a blue jay with an underdeveloped wing that Drumlin may accept as a new education animal.
We brought opossum and Louie the Peking duck -
Louie for the grapefruit sized lump that develops
on his chest and rump after he eats
And opossum for her puncture wound that had developed
an abscess on the back of her neck
I'm glad I got the opportunity to go to the Odd Pet Vet because they performed an on-the-spot surgery for the opossum which I got to play a (minor) role in. I learned the procedure to put the animal to sleep, and the steps of flushing an abscess including cleaning, cutting, and clearing out the puss and blood. I also learned how to give fluids subcutaneously (under the skin). Opossum made it out fine. Louie had no official diagnosis, but the vet believes that his swollen mass had to do with him eating too quickly. Staff will try to feed him more slowly from now on. The opossum will be given medicine (SMZ - antibiotic, and Maloxicam - anti-inflammatory) through injections into her food.